Monday, July 4, 2011

MILESTONE: 8 months and still tumour and seizure free!

How time flies!  I haven't intentionally neglected the blog, it's just that things have been going so well that there has really been nothing new to report.  Rilley has made it through another Canada Day long weekend, and today, while our American friends celebrate the 4th of July, Rilley is celebrating:
  • 8 months since his surgery!
  • 8 months without a tumour!
  • 8 months of being seizure free!
The only complaint he seems to have is that one member of the household is missing.  Our eldest daughter went off to camp this past Saturday for three whole weeks and Rilley has definitely noticed.  We know from past experience that this is something that never sits well with him.  No matter how much we tell him that she'll be back soon, he just doesn't seem to care.  He still mopes around the house.  Oh well, what can you do?  He'll probably get used to the idea by the time she comes home.

In an effort to cheer him up, we took him out for a nice long walk on Sunday.  No, not the kind that takes us around the neighbourhood, but rather we climbed into the Jeep and headed off to do a bit of hiking.  We drove up to the Caledon Hills, just northeast of where we live, and ended up at the Cheltenham Badlands.
Cheltenham Badlands
The rough, hilly terrain combined with the beautiful weather made for a great outing.  As has been evident lately, Rilley's balance and energy have come back in spades.  Nothing was going to stop him.  He was up and down the hills, in and out of the valleys, steady along the top of the ridges and loving it all!
King of the Hill!
We're sure he would've stayed there all day long if we had let him, but the warm temperatures along with the dry surroundings were taking their toll.  Yes, we had brought water for all of us (and a bowl for Rilley) but with the sun beating down on the dry, red soil you can only stay there for so long so we packed it in and headed off for ice cream!  (Well, maybe not for Rilley...Dr. Pluhar would still like him to lose some weight.)
"I took on the Badlands and won!"
So there you have it, a rather lengthy entry just to tell you that Rilley has made it to his 8 month milestone.